Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Fitness Questions and Answers - The Plain Truth

Let's try something different this issue. There are a million questions, rumors, statements, and claims about fitness made to the public each year. It's time to dispel the rumors and become enlightened about the truth behind fitness. Together, let's become savvy about the news clips, high-pressure fitness salesmen, and late night infomercials that prey on our pre-dawn minds.

Q: Do those abdominal "track, slide, dolly" type of exercise devices really work your abs well?
A: Yes they do, but you need to know more. This type of movement certainly will refine your abdominal region, yet you need to do more than just a slide, roll, or glide. Notice that the commercials say that their "Complete System" yields amazing results. The complete system is often a booklet that should you how to cut fat from your diet and reminds you that drinking eight glasses of water is healthy.

These types of abdominal devices can be a strain on the lower back if a weakness or injury is present. Also, the shoulder joint can be stressed. I suggest bending the elbows slightly more than what is shown on TV. The elbows may also need to be turned in or out a bit to decrease stress on the shoulders. There is one last thing to remember. If you only do one of these types of abdominal/upper body exercisers as your fitness regime, your body will become imbalanced over time. Look at the models performing the movements. Everything is done while slightly leaning forward, focusing on specific areas, and strengthening some muscles more than others. If you supplement this exercise with a well-rounded exercise program, then it's no problem. If this is your only form of exercise, you will not be developing core stability (see below).

Q: What do you think about the Total Gym as seen on TV?
A: I personally have never used one. I've been told by a number of individuals that they really enjoy it. As I see it demonstrated, it appears to be well constructed (always considering the price), and it offers a wide range of functional exercises for the entire body. Of all the machines I've seen, it seems to be one of the best for the money.

Q: What's the scoop on the 24-48 hour type of diets?
A: They are great when you want to dehydrate your body and feel sick. When it sounds this good, it's too good to be true. Staying on a diet like this for more than two or three days will also cause you to lose muscle tissue. Fat loss, unfortunately, must be done at a slower and more methodical rate.

Q: How long will it take to reach my goals?
A: This is dependent on a variety of factors, such as your past exercise history, age, coronary risk factors, time spent training and intensity of your training regime. Usually, significant "results" can be seen in a matter of weeks when a properly structured plan is implemented. Please remember that results can mean different things to each person. When a claim is made about quick results, see what is really being said. Will you feel better? Well, if you have not been exercising, it's nearly impossible not to feel better with any exercise. Will you lose four inches in your hips in the first week? This will only be the case if you landed a spot on Survivor or ran a marathon each day for the week. When you see extremely large amounts of weight loss in a very short period of time, the likely reason is dehydration. Only when you are lifting weights, doing cardiovascular exercise three or more times a week, and are on a balanced, yet reduced caloric diet, should you see results appearing half this fast. As the old saying goes, "Anything worth while takes time!"

Q: What happens if I go over my target zone for fat burning? A: According to DietGuru.com, you will burn glycogen (blood glucose), which is fine. The problem, however, is that unless you are a highly trained athlete, you don't have high amounts of glycogen stored in your muscles cells and other storage areas. In this case, cortisol, one of the hormones secreted with exercise begins to break down muscle tissue to transform it into glucose so you can continue to exercise/survive. This process is commonly known as "gluconeogenisis," or the new formation of glucose by breaking down muscle.

Q: My friend said I should do a triathlon to gain focus and lose weight. How should I select my first endurance event?
A: I hope you read this column about a month ago. We discussed this very subject. First, the event should be something that you enjoy. Choose an event that has an attainable distance and one that is logistically practical. Be certain you have prepared yourself properly. Your focus needs to be on the training and learning about your body as you prepare for the race. As you improve your fitness through a well-designed plan, you can't help but lose fat and create a lean, muscular body.

Q: Why should endurance athletes lift weights?
A: When a muscle can generate a greater force (power output), it will better enable the athlete to reach a higher speed. Weight training also keeps the muscles in an endurance athlete from being depleted by the end of a long racing season. In addition, weight training creates muscular balance and stability. This keeps the athlete healthy and helps prevent injuries.

Q: Why are strong abdominal muscles so important?
A: A strong mid-section will help support the lower back (lumbar spine). It also helps transfer strength and power from the upper body to the lower. In general, the abdominal muscles, lower back, and pelvic region is called the "core". What you need to strive for is "core stability". When the hip flexor muscles are too tight, it causes inflexibility and forward pelvic tilt. Weak abdominals and a tight lower back will create an excessive arch in the lower back known as "sway back" or "hyperlordosis". When an imbalance is present in this area, the result can be pain, poor energy transfer in sports, and general body discomfort. Over time, the result can be spinal segments that lip, spur, and even fuse.

Q: How important is massage therapy to an athlete?
A: In one word "VITAL". Massage does the following: reduces stress, decreases recovery time, promotes healing, increases performance, increases speed, releases toxins and it feels oh, so good! Make sure your massage therapist known your tolerance for pain, what type of massage you've experienced, and your intended benefit from the massage.

Q: What is good pain, and what is bad pain?
A: Good pain should feel symmetrical; meaning that both of your arms or legs should feel about the same sensation. Pain shouldn't be deep within a joint. Good pain should go away with a day or so. Only YOU control good pain! Bad pain usually in non-symmetrical. One side or portion of your body will hurt much more than another. Bad pain will last for several days, and may get worse. Often times, it's hard to pinpoint what caused the bad pain. If bad pain persists, seek the advice of a doctor.

Q: Do orthotics (custom shoe inserts) really help an athlete perform better?
A: Many studies show significant improvement in performance in athletes after receiving orthotics. A Personal note: I had extreme foot pain while I was training for the Ironman in 1993. I went to my sports chiropractor and had orthotic molds made. I had a half-marathon course I was practicing on for the race. After one week in the orthotics, my time improved by over five minutes. Absolutely true!!! P.S. I suggest using the soft leather kind, such as those made by the company Foot Levelers, Inc. The harder plastic or carbon fiber types may work well for some individuals as well.

Q: Does chiropractic treatment help sports performance?
A: Every individual is different. In many cases it beneficial. I can tell you of a personal experience. I once dislocated my knee. Let's just say my knee cap was on the side of my leg. I couldn't move. An ambulance had to take me to the hospital. The emergency room doctor said I would most likely need surgery. I didn't want to go that route. The next day I saw my chiropractor for another opinion (to the E.R. doctor's dismay). We began extensive treatment of the knee. This included adjustments, massage and electronic therapy aides. The next week I rode my bike 200 miles. I've competed in over 100 bicycle races since then and have had little or no pain. I also use chiropractic as part of my preventative medicine. As I look back, it would have been much wiser to only ride my bike half that distance, but fortunately it worked out well.
Q: If I'm short on time, what is a good weight training program?
A: This workout should only be done if you have a good fitness base, knowledge of the movements, and no injuries or medical limitations. Bar dips, pull-ups, push-ups, lunges, squats and abs crunches work virtually every muscle in your body. Try 3-4 sets of each. You can probably finish in less than thirty minutes. Complete this training option at an intensity that is appropriate for your fitness level.

Q: Should I stretch before or after I workout with weights?
A: Both. Prior to any stretching, a general warm-up should take place. A bike, rower, treadmill or stepper is fine. This is to heat the body's core temperature. Once the core is warm, perform some moderate intensity stretches. Make certain the entire body is stretched. However, spend a little extra time on the specific area you intend on training first. After you finish your lifting routine, you body will be very warm and better able to stretch more deeply. This is the time to gently increase the intensity of your stretching.

Q: If I'm very over weight, should I still lift weights? I don't want to bulk up any more.
A: You absolutely should lift weights. It doesn't need to be your focus, but it needs to be included in your complete program. In most cases, weight training is not cardiovascular in nature. This means your body will not use fat as a primary source of energy while lifting weights. However, weight training does make your body better at consuming calories throughout the day. Because a muscle requires more energy to maintain its structure as compared to fat, your body must use (burn) more calories to maintain that muscles integrity. Aside from all this, if you don't maintain or build muscle as you lose weight, you will become what is known as a "thin, fat person." This is a slightly built person who has no muscle mass.Some people are worried about the added weight of muscle. It weights about 60% more than fat. So you may not show as many total pounds lost on the scale, but you'll be much healthier. Most people can't tell your muscle density just by looking at you, but they can see if you have large hips!

These are the types of questions that fitness professionals are asked on a daily basis. Keep asking questions and demand the appropriate answer. If the person you ask doesn't know or if you are unsatisfied with the answer you receive, ask someone else who satisfies your thirst for the true information that affects your quality of life.

Be curious about your body and the way it works. Always be learning new ways to improve your health, fitness, and wellness. The reason Olympic records fall every four years is because someone dared to ask how can we make this person better, faster, strong, and more intelligent.


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