Thursday, September 25, 2008

Some Fall Updates for JSE

From the desk of Dr. John Spencer Ellis

Hello to all fitness, wellness, and personal success enthusiasts.

I haven't written in a couple of days because I have been busy with the production of my movie The Compass, as well as consulting with my co-author, Tammy Kling, in writing The Compass book. I will write more about this later, so stay tuned!

The Spencer Institute is offering a 3-day intensive life coach training workshop THIS WEEKEND at our corporate offices in Orange County, CA. There are only 4 seats remaining. This 3-day life coach training course (with some homework) leads to your certification as a Life Strategies Coach from the Spencer Institute of Life Coaching.

Get the facts now! Call our office if you would like to speak to someone in person to answer your specific questions. Call toll free 1-877-573-6474 ext. 162

I want to share a very short story with you. In the last year, I have had many major life changes. After getting up at 4:30AM since 1992, I no longer teach fitness classes. I'm in a new relationship which is the type of relationship I've always wanted. Awesome! I also turned over the helm of NESTA to Scott Gaines (Senior VP) so I can focus on new projects. In addition, I'm now a filmmaker with the release of The Compass on February 8, 2009.

You may be wondering, "why does any of this matter?" Well, it has given me the time and opportunity to pause, reflect, be grateful, visit my family, see my two nieces, and determine what is truly important to me. I'm encouraging you to take these actions of personal insight and reflection now. Don't wait a day. This has been one of the most interesting and re-energizing times of my life. You deserve the same.

The Compass! I want to thank all of you for your support and interest in this world-changing project. When completed, it will be a movie, soundtrack, book, audio book, and online community. Following the premiere in Orange County, there will be a premiere in London. So stay posted for details.

That's it for now.

Be well!

PS- I almost forgot: next week, Kelli Calabrese and I will be releasing Celebrity Personal Trainer in 30 Days. This home study program will give you a detailed step-by-step blueprint of how to become a local or worldwide fitness celebrity in just one month! Details are coming very soon.

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Friday, August 15, 2008

August 15th Update

Greetings to all fellow health, fitness, wellness, nutrition, and coaching professionals.

I'm like you. I love health, fitness, wellness, and the full potential in all of us. You, like me, understand that our industry is growing fast and has incredible opportunity. To take full advantage of these opportunities, we must keep current on industry trends, enhance our education, and become successful in all areas of life.

I want to help you. Since 1992, I've been ensuring the success of fitness and wellness professionals with various programs, products, services, and coaching.

Please review the fundamental offerings below and decide which ones are right for you.

1) NESTA (National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association)- NCCA accredited personal fitness trainer certification program. More that 10 other programs are available.
2) Spencer Institute for Life Coaching- Coaching as become one of the fastest growing segments of the wellness industry. We have more than 8 programs to fit your needs.
3) Adventure Boot Camp- Take fitness entrepreneurship to the highest level with the world's largest fitness boot camp system.
4) Spencer Broadcasting- Complimentary videos, teleclasses, downloads, radio shows, and high quality TV shows to enhance your career while they entertain.
5) Spencer Consulting Group- Offering business coaching for all aspects of the fitness and wellness industry.

There is much more, but these are the basics.

Let me know how I may help you reach the top of your career.


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Monday, August 11, 2008

Why Wealthy People Have Better Health- Its Not What You Think

From the desk of John Spencer Ellis

I'm frustrated.

As you likely know, I am a strong advocate of complementary medicine and holistic health care. And yet, at the same time, I know Western medicine certainly has its place.

Last week, I got a call from a lady who works with me. She is 25 years old, thin, healthy, athletic, and eats well. However, she has reoccurring cold and flu symptoms. I told her she should see her primary care physician and request a comprehensive physical exam and blood panel.

She Followed my advice and went to the doctor. He stated that he did not have time (imagine that!) to give her a comprehensive exam. However, he was quickly willing to give her drugs. I'm always fascinated to know how this works. The next time your car is acting up, take it to the mechanic and request that they do no "diagnostic testing" and just change your air filter. It makes about as much sense.

Here's the frustrating part: At this time, she feels better. But is this merely a lull in the cyclical pattern of health and sickness she's been experiencing? She doesn't know. Why? Because the doctor was quick to give drugs, yet was too busy to do the necessary testing to understand exactly why/if drugs were needed.

Here's something to consider: In Canada, drug companies cannot advertise directly to consumers as they do in the U.S. Consequently, Canadian citizens are prescribed about 50% less drugs. Have you ever heard or read about Canadians being more obese, having higher cancer levels, or living with more illness?

Canadians are healthier on the whole. Canada, like Australia, embraces complimentary and alternative medicine and wellness on a national level. We need to get up to speed.

So what are you to do? Its simple:

1) Get QUALITY sleep. This video shows you how:

2) Exercise on a regular basis

3) Have your blood tested to ensure you are at optimal levels for wellness

4) Take quality nutritional supplements to fill in the gaps where your diet is lacking

5) Ensure your diet has the proper balance of carbs, proteins, and fats

Bonus: This is so interesting! People who are wealthier have better health. What is SO INTERESTING is that much of the improved health has to do with how you feel and perceive your socio-economic status, not just your access to quality health care. This is another reason to have abundance in all aspects of your life. Life is meant to be abundant. The more you have, the more you can give. This proven fact is one of the reasons I made my movie "The Compass."

Be well and stay well!

PS- Save the date!
February 8, 2009 is the premiere party for my movie on Human Achievement "The Compass." It will be held at The Grove of Anaheim. Only 1,200 seats are available, so get on the notification list now. http://www/

PPS- This will be the biggest movie premiere in OC history. Be there!

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Nutrition Made Just for You!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Big Sleep Show Keynote

Coming up, May 9-10, The Big Sleep Show will take place in Chicago. This is a collaborative effort between researchers, clinicians, educators, and applied scientists bringing their wide scope of expertise together to improve the sleep of the general public. Lack of sleep has serious implications on health, wellness, and quality of life in general. Therefore, it is important to come up with a solution that will help people get the sleep they need for living a healthy lifestyle.

I've been honored with the opportunity to give a keynote speech at the convention. I'm excited that I get a chance to help explain why sleep is so important. Without adequate sleep, out bodies don't work with the same amount of efficiency as they do when we get the proper amount of rest. This applies to the office, the field, the court, and the gym. Getting plenty of sleep also helps you enjoy the activities you do everyday; you are focused and more alert. Lack of sleep can also lead to weight gain. This is because when we do sleep enough, our levels of Cortisol rise. Cortisol is a stress hormone that allows our bodies to hold on to fat. Finally, as we age, getting recuperative sleep becomes more important to attaining the energy we need to remain active throughout the day.

I am very excited about attending and speaking at this conference. I will get the chance to meet with other health and wellness professionals including a number of sleep experts from around the country. The sponsorship line-up is impressive as well, including my personal favorite, the Sleep Number Bed!

For more information, visit the Sleep Show website:

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Press Release: Adventure Bootcamp on 'Real Housewives of Orange County"

Monday, December 03, 2007

Article- "Insufficient Sleep Raises Risk for Diabetes"

For more information:
